What I write in this part might be controversial to many people these days, even to people in the Church, but please bear with me.
**Side note:
I believe the Bible is 100% correct and inspired by God. The Bible is very reliable. For example, the earliest New Testament copy we have was written around 130 AD, although it was originally written around 60 AD, giving it a time span of 100 years. There are about 14,000 copies of it. (The original 'first written new testaments' did not survive) Looking at all of those 14,000 copies, they are 99.5% accurate to themselves. Usually, there are only some words, which are or aren't there, although sometimes sentences are added.
Seems very accurate, don't you think? The next reliable old books are the ones by Homer, writer of "the Iliad" and "The Odyssey". They were written around 850 BC, we don't know when the earliest copies were written, and therefore don't know the time span it was written. But, there are 653 copies, and those copies are 95% accurate to each other. Scholars write that Homer's books are extremely reliable. How much more reliable is the Bible?
Okay, you might believe me now when I say the Bible is reliable, but you might not believe me when I say it was inspired by God. You might even say the Bible is nonsense.
Unfortunately, I cannot stop you form believing that, and hopefully God can change your heart, but...
...If we are on the same page there, then in the Bible Paul writes in Ephesians 5:22, 28-31. "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, even as Christ is head of the church; and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so let wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wife as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it . . . So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church . . . For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shal1 be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh".
But wait, you might ask: What does this have to do with dating Christian women? Paul is writing here about marriage.
True, Paul is writing about marriage here, BUT when the dating period is going on, women naturally want someone to lead them. Women hate being the ones making the decisions and making the calls on things.
Don't believe me? Setup a night with a women, and make her make all the decisions, because it will make here happy that she has control, right?
Wrong, she will run from you, way faster than you can stop her!
Women want you to take the lead, and this includes during the dating process.
So, how do you lead a girl, the right way?
Paul sets it up in Ephesians pretty clearly...
If the passage looks very controversial, especially in today standards, it is! This was not written to follow the ways of man, but instead the ways of God! God's ways are far better than our own, even if they do not look it at the time. He has a purpose and plan to every thing he does.
Think our way is better, or not that bad?
Look around at all the relationships around you. You will probably find countless divorces, and failed relationships. This is people trying to do it their own way, without the help of God running their life!
Sorry, no time right now, there will be more to come later!
Dating Christian women can be difficult, especially if you are doing it the worlds way.
Learn how to date Christian women the way God designed it.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
How To Date Christian Women - Part One - You Need God In Your Life!
If you are really looking to date a true Christian women (side note: this women would follow Christ in their life, and make him the center of their every action), you are going to have to make God an important part of your life. But, not just an important part, but the number one most important thing in your life.
It's not that your making God an important part of your life because the girl would want you too, but because you really want God the to be center of your life.
Women are gifted at seeing if someone is lying and if their actions are sincere. That means you actually have to change or they will see right through you.
What does this mean?
You want God to be the first thing you think about when you wake up, and the last thing you have on your mind when you go asleep. You want to be constantly in prayer with God, throughout the day, and reading his word every day. You also want to be connected with a great community of Christians, who will help you walk with God, but also challenge you. Eventually, the day-by-day talking to God and being in his word will change you. You will begin to see God's purpose in your life, which is not just finding a women, although God gives that to most of us.
What does this have to do with dating a Christian women, you might ask?
I'll tell you what. It's simple, if you make God the most important thing in your life, then the girl(s) you like are secondary. If they are secondary, any rejection you might get by them will not ultimately matter, because God is number one.
Since God is number one, nothing anyone says or does to you really matters all that much. You have Christ and only his opinion matters, not the people you meet in life!
When a Christian women sees that you are walking with God, God might just bring them along in your life. Then you can go along in the journey of pursuing God together!
Aww...doesn't that sound nice and gucci gucci goo.
Now, it is true that God will bring along potential spouses in your life, and following Christ makes you stick out like a sore thumb to a girl, but unless you know how to act or say, nothing will come of it, and they will pass on, either being a great friend or an awkward acquaintance.
I will write more soon on this topic...
It's not that your making God an important part of your life because the girl would want you too, but because you really want God the to be center of your life.
Women are gifted at seeing if someone is lying and if their actions are sincere. That means you actually have to change or they will see right through you.
What does this mean?
You want God to be the first thing you think about when you wake up, and the last thing you have on your mind when you go asleep. You want to be constantly in prayer with God, throughout the day, and reading his word every day. You also want to be connected with a great community of Christians, who will help you walk with God, but also challenge you. Eventually, the day-by-day talking to God and being in his word will change you. You will begin to see God's purpose in your life, which is not just finding a women, although God gives that to most of us.
What does this have to do with dating a Christian women, you might ask?
I'll tell you what. It's simple, if you make God the most important thing in your life, then the girl(s) you like are secondary. If they are secondary, any rejection you might get by them will not ultimately matter, because God is number one.
Since God is number one, nothing anyone says or does to you really matters all that much. You have Christ and only his opinion matters, not the people you meet in life!
When a Christian women sees that you are walking with God, God might just bring them along in your life. Then you can go along in the journey of pursuing God together!
Aww...doesn't that sound nice and gucci gucci goo.
Now, it is true that God will bring along potential spouses in your life, and following Christ makes you stick out like a sore thumb to a girl, but unless you know how to act or say, nothing will come of it, and they will pass on, either being a great friend or an awkward acquaintance.
I will write more soon on this topic...
Friday, August 13, 2010
How To Date Christian Women - Introduction - Why is it So Hard?
When does the actual dating process with a women begin? While many others may differ, in my personal opinion, it is the moment of meeting the girl, to what use to be called, "going steady", when the two people mutually decide to only see each other.
The reason I write this is because there is a difference between "getting a girl" and being in an already established relationship. Until the man and woman make the decision to see only each other, there is a lot of mystery with what the man is suppose to do. Many men figure they are suppose to do the same thing as they would in an already established relationship but, in fact, God did not design it that way.
Many men forget about what is called the "dating process." If you look around at material, the "dating process" is almost completely ignored, while relationship material is plentiful.
Why is there a shortage of material on the dating process, especially within the Christian community?
Not completely sure, but there are some books which do cover the topic of dating Christian women. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris is a great book, and unlike the title, it is actually not a complete call of Christians to not date, but to put the focus of the relationship on God and to put the biblical example of marriage at the center. On one of his most important points, he writes that we should move past selfish personal reasons for dating. The book does help somewhat, but it does not focus on what to do when we are getting to know a girl and slowly moving the "dating process" forward.
Lets take a look at another book: When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships by Eric and Leslie Ludy. This is another great book, and starts to touch on dating women, writing that a man should first focus on God, fix his own life, and become a better, more complete man, but it does not help with the "dating process." There are more books, but we will leave it with these two right now.
So we need to become "better men." Both of the books, while not helping with the "dating process", write that God needs to be the center of your life, and you need to fix yourself, but what do we do with that? We become a better person, suitable for a women of God, but unless you know how to act and what to do, women will probably stay away from you. They will not be interested in you, which will cause a lot of unnecessarily rejection and hurt.
It's OKAY though, I didn't know for the longest time what to do either! I will write more on this a little later.
The reason I write this is because there is a difference between "getting a girl" and being in an already established relationship. Until the man and woman make the decision to see only each other, there is a lot of mystery with what the man is suppose to do. Many men figure they are suppose to do the same thing as they would in an already established relationship but, in fact, God did not design it that way.
Many men forget about what is called the "dating process." If you look around at material, the "dating process" is almost completely ignored, while relationship material is plentiful.
Why is there a shortage of material on the dating process, especially within the Christian community?
Not completely sure, but there are some books which do cover the topic of dating Christian women. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris is a great book, and unlike the title, it is actually not a complete call of Christians to not date, but to put the focus of the relationship on God and to put the biblical example of marriage at the center. On one of his most important points, he writes that we should move past selfish personal reasons for dating. The book does help somewhat, but it does not focus on what to do when we are getting to know a girl and slowly moving the "dating process" forward.
Lets take a look at another book: When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships by Eric and Leslie Ludy. This is another great book, and starts to touch on dating women, writing that a man should first focus on God, fix his own life, and become a better, more complete man, but it does not help with the "dating process." There are more books, but we will leave it with these two right now.
So we need to become "better men." Both of the books, while not helping with the "dating process", write that God needs to be the center of your life, and you need to fix yourself, but what do we do with that? We become a better person, suitable for a women of God, but unless you know how to act and what to do, women will probably stay away from you. They will not be interested in you, which will cause a lot of unnecessarily rejection and hurt.
It's OKAY though, I didn't know for the longest time what to do either! I will write more on this a little later.
Online Relationship Help - Ask the Right Questions First
You have joined a couple of dating services and written a killer profile. You’ve uploaded a good picture and now you are going to chat with a contact. What now? How do you start separating those who have real potential and those who don’t have any potential at all? If you can master how to effectively screen applicants, this will be most important online relationship help that you've ever received.
You need to find out something about who this strange woman really is and not just who she wants you to believe she is. It would be nice if women wore labels like “Gold Digger” or “Daddy’s girl”….but they don’t so it’s up to you to find these things out and you can’t just ask direct questions. You need to know what mistakes you can avoid making and how to impress this lady if you decide you want to do that.
After you are past the initial small talk, ask her, “What are the biggest mistakes guys make when dating online?” Listen carefully to her answers. She’s going to tell you a lot about herself and her views on men in general.
Next you should ask her, “What do you really think about online dating?” Now she will tell you if she has had any bad experiences dating o line and help you to avoid making the same things wrong.
Now for the all-important one…..”What caused the break up in your last relationship?” If she puts all the blame on the guy, you should probably move on to the next prospect. If she takes all the blame herself, you should probably do the same. If she says the breakup was by mutual consent or that the relationship just wasn’t right for either of them, you’ve heard the right answer. Move forward but always with caution.
Asking the right questions will give you insight and make you more confident when you meet the lady for the first time.
If you have found this article interesting and want more online relationship help visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com
You have joined a couple of dating services and written a killer profile. You’ve uploaded a good picture and now you are going to chat with a contact. What now? How do you start separating those who have real potential and those who don’t have any potential at all? If you can master how to effectively screen applicants, this will be most important online relationship help that you've ever received.
You need to find out something about who this strange woman really is and not just who she wants you to believe she is. It would be nice if women wore labels like “Gold Digger” or “Daddy’s girl”….but they don’t so it’s up to you to find these things out and you can’t just ask direct questions. You need to know what mistakes you can avoid making and how to impress this lady if you decide you want to do that.
After you are past the initial small talk, ask her, “What are the biggest mistakes guys make when dating online?” Listen carefully to her answers. She’s going to tell you a lot about herself and her views on men in general.
Next you should ask her, “What do you really think about online dating?” Now she will tell you if she has had any bad experiences dating o line and help you to avoid making the same things wrong.
Now for the all-important one…..”What caused the break up in your last relationship?” If she puts all the blame on the guy, you should probably move on to the next prospect. If she takes all the blame herself, you should probably do the same. If she says the breakup was by mutual consent or that the relationship just wasn’t right for either of them, you’ve heard the right answer. Move forward but always with caution.
Asking the right questions will give you insight and make you more confident when you meet the lady for the first time.
If you have found this article interesting and want more online relationship help visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Online Relationship Advice - Grow Your Online Relationship
Just like regular real-world relationships, online relationships need tending, to grow over time. So, remember, easy does it. You have to build up to things, but here is some online relationship advice that will jump start your the growth of your relationship:
1. Take time and make time. Does your online date get in touch with you regularly? Do you do the same? Neglecting virtual meetings can be considered abuse or neglect, so treat each other’s time with respect. If it’s lacking, might mean time to move on.
2. Communication needs to “feel” right for both of you. If one of you is too pushy about meeting, for instance, that can give off bad vibes. So don’t rush. Take time to learn more about each other and develop trust.
3. Respect each others privacy. Don’t share personal email addresses or digital photos online, for example, if your online date sent you the information in confidence.
4. Share special online and offline fun times. Online – send greeting cards, links to favorite places to upload digital photos of your favorite pet, download music and video clips, post on favorite forums of interest. Offline- if you’re exchanging addresses or post office boxes, send print greeting cards and postcards, small items from your area (like a key chain with your state bird).
The best online relationship advice that you can get for this area is: tend your online relationship. Water it with care and over time it can sprout and grow.
If you have found this article interesting and want to learn how to find the woman of your dreams, visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com
1. Take time and make time. Does your online date get in touch with you regularly? Do you do the same? Neglecting virtual meetings can be considered abuse or neglect, so treat each other’s time with respect. If it’s lacking, might mean time to move on.
2. Communication needs to “feel” right for both of you. If one of you is too pushy about meeting, for instance, that can give off bad vibes. So don’t rush. Take time to learn more about each other and develop trust.
3. Respect each others privacy. Don’t share personal email addresses or digital photos online, for example, if your online date sent you the information in confidence.
4. Share special online and offline fun times. Online – send greeting cards, links to favorite places to upload digital photos of your favorite pet, download music and video clips, post on favorite forums of interest. Offline- if you’re exchanging addresses or post office boxes, send print greeting cards and postcards, small items from your area (like a key chain with your state bird).
The best online relationship advice that you can get for this area is: tend your online relationship. Water it with care and over time it can sprout and grow.
If you have found this article interesting and want to learn how to find the woman of your dreams, visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dating A Non Christian
I know it seems counterintuitive to write by first post about dating a non christian when this blog is about dating christians, but bear with me for this first post on why I will only be focusing on christian women on this blog.
Inevitably, when the topic of dating comes up among Christian teens, the question that always seems to come up is, "Should I be dating a non christian ?"
Most of the time, the typical verse that is used to answer their question is 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, which says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
Knowing that you aren't supposed to be dating a non Christian is one thing, but actually understanding why the Lord doesn't want you to date and marry a non Christian is another matter, so let's look some of the reasons why you aren't supposed to date an unbeliever.
1) Being unequally yoked (dating a non Christian) can create a constant source of problems and arguments. A believer and an unbeliever are total opposites spiritually, which can result in some major differences in the values that you hold and the things that you believe. This has the potential to produce an atmosphere of strife, instead of love which will have you agreeing with Proverbs 21:19, which says that it is, "Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife."
2) We are told to guard our hearts above all else (Proverbs 4:23). Simply put, unbelievers don't have the same moral standards that we as Christians are supposed to have. If you get involved in a relationship with a non Christian, you could open yourself up to a lot of heartache, as their intentions may be less than pure.
3) In 1 Corinthians 15:23, we are told that bad company corrupts good character. Just look at how Solomon's wives turned his heart from the Lord in 1 Kings 11:4.
4) The Lord has a specific person for you. In 1John 4:16, we read that God is love and from James 1:17 we know that God gives us good and perfect gifts, and Ephesians 3:20 says that we know God is able to do above and beyond all that we can ask or even think. If we apply those verses to our dating and relationships, we will come to understand that the Lord loves us, and because of His love for us, He will give us a good and perfect partner (who is spiritually compatible with us), and will go above and beyond all that we can ask or even think in this area.
If you found this article helpful, visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com for more information on finding the woman of your dreams and dating a non christian
I know it seems counterintuitive to write by first post about dating a non christian when this blog is about dating christians, but bear with me for this first post on why I will only be focusing on christian women on this blog.
Inevitably, when the topic of dating comes up among Christian teens, the question that always seems to come up is, "Should I be dating a non christian ?"
Most of the time, the typical verse that is used to answer their question is 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, which says, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?"
Knowing that you aren't supposed to be dating a non Christian is one thing, but actually understanding why the Lord doesn't want you to date and marry a non Christian is another matter, so let's look some of the reasons why you aren't supposed to date an unbeliever.
1) Being unequally yoked (dating a non Christian) can create a constant source of problems and arguments. A believer and an unbeliever are total opposites spiritually, which can result in some major differences in the values that you hold and the things that you believe. This has the potential to produce an atmosphere of strife, instead of love which will have you agreeing with Proverbs 21:19, which says that it is, "Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife."
2) We are told to guard our hearts above all else (Proverbs 4:23). Simply put, unbelievers don't have the same moral standards that we as Christians are supposed to have. If you get involved in a relationship with a non Christian, you could open yourself up to a lot of heartache, as their intentions may be less than pure.
3) In 1 Corinthians 15:23, we are told that bad company corrupts good character. Just look at how Solomon's wives turned his heart from the Lord in 1 Kings 11:4.
4) The Lord has a specific person for you. In 1John 4:16, we read that God is love and from James 1:17 we know that God gives us good and perfect gifts, and Ephesians 3:20 says that we know God is able to do above and beyond all that we can ask or even think. If we apply those verses to our dating and relationships, we will come to understand that the Lord loves us, and because of His love for us, He will give us a good and perfect partner (who is spiritually compatible with us), and will go above and beyond all that we can ask or even think in this area.
If you found this article helpful, visit David's website at www.christcentereddating.com for more information on finding the woman of your dreams and dating a non christian
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